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Units Change Functionality

Where units can be managed:

  1. Company settings:

    • go to Control Center -> Company Settings. There you can change the units which will be shown for all users of the company;


  2. User settings:

    • go to User Profile -> Change Units button. This functionality allows the user to manage custom units which will be shown for the specific user;


  3. Dashboard settings:

    • go to a Dashboard -> Settings button -> Change Units. This functionality allows the user to manage units which will be shown only for the specific dashboard;


There are several units display options you can select:

  • Default Units: Selecting this option uses the units predefined by the company, user, or the dashboard's default configuration. It typically aligns with the most commonly used units for the data being presented;
  • Metric Units: This option converts all applicable measurements on the dashboard to the metric system (e.g., meters, kilograms, liters, etc.);
  • Imperial Units: This option converts all applicable measurements to the imperial system (e.g., feet, pounds, gallons, etc.). change_units

The units are prioritized in the next way:

  1. Dashboard units settings;
  2. User units settings;
  3. Company units settings;
  • Thus, if you have different units settings for your company and dashboard, the settings of the dashboard will be applied to it.

Examples of usage:

An example of custom units functionality integration can be found here. Also, here are examples provided in:

  • JavaScript Version
import { capitalize } from 'lodash';
import { convertValue, getUnitPreference, getUnitDisplay } from '@corva/ui/utils';

const standardizeColor = (str) => {
const ctx = document.createElement('canvas').getContext('2d');
ctx.fillStyle = str;
return ctx.fillStyle;

export const hexToRGBA = (hex, opacity) => {
let realHex = standardizeColor(hex);
const rgb = `rgba(${
(realHex = realHex.replace('#', ''))
.match(new RegExp(`(.{${ realHex.length / 3 }})`, 'g'))
.map(l => parseInt(realHex.length % 2 ? l + l : l, 16))
.concat(Number.isFinite(opacity) ? opacity : 1)
return rgb;

export const getUnitText = (unitType, customUnit) => {
if (customUnit) {
return `(${customUnit})`;

if (unitType) {
return `(${getUnitDisplay(unitType)})`;

return '';

export const getUnit = (unitType, customUnit) => {
if (customUnit) {
return `${customUnit}`;

if (unitType) {
return `${getUnitDisplay(unitType)}`;

return '';

export const getChartTitle = (unitType, customUnit) => {
const truncatedUnitType =
unitType?.length > 7 ? `${unitType.substring(0, 5)}...` : unitType || '';
return `${capitalize(truncatedUnitType)}${getUnitText(unitType, customUnit)}`;

export const getUnitConvertedValue = (
value, unitType, from, to
) => {
if (!unitType) {
return value;

if (to) {
return convertValue(value, unitType, from, to);

return convertValue(value, unitType, from);

export function convertToUser(value, unitType, unit, precision = 2) {
const to = getUnitPreference(unitType);

return convertValue(value, unitType, unit, to, precision);

export function convertFromUser(value, unitType, unit, precision = 2) {
const from = getUnitPreference(unitType);

return convertValue(value, unitType, from, unit, precision);
  • TypeScript Version
import { capitalize } from 'lodash';
import { convertValue, getUnitPreference, getUnitDisplay } from '@corva/ui/utils';

const standardizeColor = (str: string): string => {
const ctx = document.createElement('canvas').getContext('2d');
ctx.fillStyle = str;
return ctx.fillStyle;

export const hexToRGBA = (hex: string, opacity: number): string => {
let realHex = standardizeColor(hex);
const rgb = `rgba(${
(realHex = realHex.replace('#', ''))
.match(new RegExp(`(.{${ realHex.length / 3 }})`, 'g'))
.map(l => parseInt(realHex.length % 2 ? l + l : l, 16))
.concat(Number.isFinite(opacity) ? opacity : 1)
return rgb;

export const getUnitText = (unitType: string, customUnit: string): string => {
if (customUnit) {
return `(${customUnit})`;

if (unitType) {
return `(${getUnitDisplay(unitType)})`;

return '';

export const getUnit = (unitType: string, customUnit: string): string => {
if (customUnit) {
return `${customUnit}`;

if (unitType) {
return `${getUnitDisplay(unitType)}`;

return '';

export const getChartTitle = (unitType: string, customUnit: string): string => {
const truncatedUnitType =
unitType?.length > 7 ? `${unitType.substring(0, 5)}...` : unitType || '';
return `${capitalize(truncatedUnitType)}${getUnitText(unitType, customUnit)}`;

export const getUnitConvertedValue = (
value: number,
unitType?: string,
from?: string,
to?: string
): number => {
if (!unitType) {
return value;

if (to) {
return convertValue(value, unitType, from, to);

return convertValue(value, unitType, from);

export function convertToUser(value: number, unitType: string, unit: string, precision = 2): number {
const to = getUnitPreference(unitType);

return convertValue(value, unitType, unit, to, precision);

export function convertFromUser(value: number, unitType: string, unit: string, precision = 2): number {
const from = getUnitPreference(unitType);

return convertValue(value, unitType, from, unit, precision);